Wednesday, June 16, 2010

updates of a general nature

fresh from a trip to turkey (so beautiful- but iffy about some of the food- why were so many things served cold?) and dubai (iffy about the place but oh- the food!).

and what have i been reading?

Moonraker's Bride by Madeleine Brent (Peter O'Donnell)
Was sure that i had read this before- but forgotten the story. All very predictable and very fun.

Master's Of Illusion: The World Banka and the Poverty of Nations by Catherine Caufield.
I haven't finished this yet, but I will, once my mother returns it. I allow myself to read no more than 50 pages a day because any more will cause an attack of some sort. caused by total horror.


oof ya! said...

i wish to read the world bank book after your mother returns it. and before you fling yourself accross continents.

sp said...

perhaps i could finish it and leave it in safe keeping with you? and then you can return it to me when i return from far off lands

oof ya! said...

yes ok, please hurry up and read quickly. this should not turn out to be another adventure in track pants :P