Is such a fun show. And had me hooked from the opening sequence. The song and the montage, and the whole Gothic-South thing. Especially the slow-motion snake.
Having spent the last two days watching both seasons back to back I can't wait for season 3. Must go out and locate the books. I remember not understanding the fuss that everyone made about Buffy, or about Angel (boring boring boring). But this one is sex and drugs, then vampire-sex and vampire-drugs. With that Jace Everett song always in the background.
navigating emotions and ventilators
I have wanted to write about this for so long now. But I kept putting it
off. Why? Fear. And literally, emotional blackmail.
But then I finally found th...
6 years ago
It (True Blood's vampirism and its ostracization) is also a thinly veiled metaphor for AIDS apparently? So I read somewhere. Hmmm.
i suppose it could be a metaphor.
but most of the vampires on true blood are pretty blood thirsty, so warning people to avoid them seems like a sensible, rather than insensitive thing to do.
the whole racism/sexism/heteronormativism(?)/other-reactionary-tendency angles in the deep south are quite nicely worked out. vampires in texas are lawless and aggressive, vampires from the north are civilised and ask before they bite.
have you seen the show? i think you'd like it.
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