oh the irony of applying for a commonwealth scholarship to study post colonial theory in the uk.
i remember reading somewhere- that the characters in epistolary novels must have been letter writing maniacs. racing to their desks to scribble away the minute an event had occurred, wearing out pens at a furious rate, if the intensity of the exchange of letters in the novel was to be believed. its possible though. because an exchange of letters can be so seductive. and you can read exactly what you want into the ambiguity that cloaks even the most regular of utterances.
have become completely obsessed with the blower's daughter. listened to it all day.
have also found an ice cream parlour in north campus that shows promise. it isn't in the same league as corner house, but then few places are. i hope it survives.
navigating emotions and ventilators
I have wanted to write about this for so long now. But I kept putting it
off. Why? Fear. And literally, emotional blackmail.
But then I finally found th...
6 years ago